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 Friends only matches

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Age : 34
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PostSubject: Friends only matches   Friends only matches EmptySat Mar 28, 2009 1:05 pm

The other night we had our first friends only match with 4 GF member Wade, Grim, Drugs, and a couple other unexpected friends. I really enjoyed this game up until we lost a few ppl half way through BH4. I think we should try and orgainze something like that again. This time I will make sure the initial ppl invited spots will not be taken by friends of friends unless they are absolutly needed. It will be kinda hard to organize seeing how it requires other people that arn't in our group to be online, but if at least all or most of us GF member are online, im sure we can manage to scrounge up a few people. Any thoughts?
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PostSubject: yeah, it were fun   Friends only matches EmptySun Mar 29, 2009 7:22 pm

...i liked this a lot, and i like the RANDOM ALL for teams and such, but we got to keep in mind that some players (derek) are much MUCH better than other players (me) so when the "better" players all get randomly assigned to one team, they easily squash the other team and make the other team not want to play anymore.

challenge is fun, getting ass-raped is not. i like the randomness of it all, but it also doesn't allow an even mixture (sometimes)

but yes, i want more of these

it's getting more common that 8 people are online at once and these matches are easier to set up.
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PostSubject: Re: Friends only matches   Friends only matches EmptyMon Mar 30, 2009 2:23 am

Yeah I thought that was fun, too. I hope that I'm online the next time something like that happens. If I know ahead of time I might be able to squeeze in some time but I definitely wont be able to do it any Friday or Saturday.

I've been getting much more time online though, so who knows. Maybe something like this will happen randomly again.
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PostSubject: Re: Friends only matches   Friends only matches EmptyMon Mar 30, 2009 10:38 pm

Well I don't think im better than anyone else. It just that we play with each other alot so we know where we will be. I know sparks kills me alot when I try to do my hunter pounces Crying or Very sad ... but oh well. I have new ones now... I call them my "Anti-Sparks" spots Twisted Evil . I just think everyone rage threshold needs to go down. I can remember when it was me with a short fuse, and you guys telling me to cool it. Now its the other way around. If it does randomly stack the teams theres nothing that can be done. If people rage, we might as well be playing public matches. I don't have a solution besides assigning teams based on how everyone feels about skill level.

Ya most friends only matches will kinda be a spur of the moment deal, becuase it depends on whos on. A [GF] only match will have assigned dates because we can commnunticate here. Although we don't have the members yet, we are getting pretty close.
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Join date : 2009-03-17
Age : 31
Location : Lancaster, Pennsylvania

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PostSubject: Re: Friends only matches   Friends only matches EmptyTue Mar 31, 2009 8:32 pm

[GF]<Mr.G> wrote:
Well I don't think im better than anyone else. It just that we play with each other alot so we know where we will be. I know sparks kills me alot when I try to do my hunter pounces Crying or Very sad ... but oh well. I have new ones now... I call them my "Anti-Sparks" spots Twisted Evil . I just think everyone rage threshold needs to go down. I can remember when it was me with a short fuse, and you guys telling me to cool it. Now its the other way around. If it does randomly stack the teams theres nothing that can be done. If people rage, we might as well be playing public matches. I don't have a solution besides assigning teams based on how everyone feels about skill level.

Ya most friends only matches will kinda be a spur of the moment deal, becuase it depends on whos on. A [GF] only match will have assigned dates because we can commnunticate here. Although we don't have the members yet, we are getting pretty close.
Dude.. you're definitely the best player out of all of us, but I don't have a problem going against you.. I like a challenge... except when you're kicking my ass the whole time. Lol.
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PostSubject: Re: Friends only matches   Friends only matches EmptyWed Apr 01, 2009 4:15 pm

Laughing Well I guess I can live with, eventhough I still don't consider myself the best player. Any how, I do think our rage threshold is getting better, b/c me and sparks was invited to a friends only match the other night. Of course we were put on seperate team, and SHIT did they REALLY test our patience!!!!!!!!!!!! Mad Mad Mad WOW, I just think its because we're used to such awesome team work that when we get put on a un coordinated team we get annoyed easily... But we stuck with it until the very painful end, in which my team won! YAY cheers
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Age : 31
Location : Lancaster, Pennsylvania

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PostSubject: Re: Friends only matches   Friends only matches EmptyThu Apr 02, 2009 7:58 pm

[GF]<Mr.G> wrote:
Laughing Well I guess I can live with, eventhough I still don't consider myself the best player. Any how, I do think our rage threshold is getting better, b/c me and sparks was invited to a friends only match the other night. Of course we were put on seperate team, and SHIT did they REALLY test our patience!!!!!!!!!!!! Mad Mad Mad WOW, I just think its because we're used to such awesome team work that when we get put on a un coordinated team we get annoyed easily... But we stuck with it until the very painful end, in which my team won! YAY cheers
Lol, I don't ragequit.. I only quit matches that there are no chemistry between ANY of the players. But when there's some.. I'll stay.. just when everyone runs and does their own thing, I wont stay very long.
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Join date : 2009-02-08
Age : 34
Location : New Hampshire

Friends only matches Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friends only matches   Friends only matches EmptySat Apr 04, 2009 8:52 pm

Yeah I hate that too, although I usually take those games and try and find good hunter pounce spots, Smoker spots, and boomer spots. That way I can use them when we play!! I also practice High dmg pounces! I love doing those and Im getting pretty good at it too.
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